Grade 2 Writing

Writing Launch: Poetry

Unit Sketch

This unit is designed to introduce workshop routines, build writing stamina, and teach basic procedures and writing skills. The second bend of the unit focuses on how to read like a writer.

Enduring Understandings

Students will understand that...

  • We are all writers.

  • Writers improve their craft by practicing every day.

  • Using routines increases independence.

  • Writers understand how to use figurative language and word choice in poetry to create meaning.

  • Writers understand that poetry has a unique form.


Students will be able to...

  • Participate during writing mini lessons

  • Use writing workshop materials

  • Demonstrate understanding of writer's workshop routines

  • Come up with ideas to write about (i.e. brainstorming, etc.)

  • Write independently during writers workshop for increasing amounts of time

  • Use figurative language in poetry (simile, metaphor, etc.)

  • Use vivid word choice to create impact

  • Draft numerous poems

  • Share their writing with others

  • Demonstrate how to "read like a writer" with grade-appropriate texts

  • Make use of the praise-question-polish routine for providing feedback to peers

  • Make use of the praise-question-polish routine when accepting feedback from others

  • Demonstrate increased stamina for independent writing throughout the unit

Personal Narrative

Unit Sketch

The goal for narrative writing is to recount a well-elaborated event or short sequence of events, include details to describe actions, thoughts, and feelings, use temporal words to signal event order, and provide a sense of closure. Students will revise, edit and publish a personal narrative.

Enduring Understandings

Students will understand that...

  • We all have stories to tell.

  • We can tell our stories in words, both by speaking it and by writing it.

  • Writers follow a process.

  • Mentor authors give us inspiration and ideas.

  • Small moments allow us to hone in on a focused personal experience.


Students will be able to...

  • Use a variety of strategies to gather ideas and plan for writing personal narratives

  • Follow workshop routines

  • Hone in on small moments when drafting personal narratives

  • Use a variety of strategies to elaborate personal narrative writing (show, don't tell; stretching it out; playing the story in your mind; talking through the story with a partner; zooming in)

  • Begin the story with an effective lead (story beginning)

  • Use transitions and temporal words to signal event order (story middle)

  • Create a sense of closure to the story (story ending)

  • Strengthen writing through the process of revision

  • Use a variety of strategies for spelling while drafting and editing

  • Utilize tools for editing, spelling, and conventions (writing folders, personal spelling dictionaries)

  • Add value to the story by including realistic illustrations

"All About" Books

Unit Sketch

Students will be encouraged to write a variety of books on areas of personal expertise. This will provide them repeated opportunities to practice how to generate ideas and plan the organization of information. They will learn to organize their books using nonfiction text features, with a focus on main ideas and supporting details for each chapter. As the unit progresses, students will shift towards increasing the level of their work as they write new books that are more elaborate and revise previously written books to apply new skills they’ve gained. Near the end of the unit, students will chose one of their books to revise and edit more extensively for the purpose of sharing with an audience during the celebration.

Enduring Understandings

Students will understand that...

  • Writers use text features to organize information for the reader.

  • (ex. headings, table of contents, glossaries, bolded words).

  • Writers craft an engaging introduction to grab the readers attention.

  • Non fiction books are organized around a central topic.

  • Non fiction books have a main idea with supporting details in each section of their book.


Students will be able to...

  • Introduce their topic in an engaging way

  • Choose a topic that they have expertise in

  • Use their knowledge on a chosen topic to inform an audience

  • Craft multiple main ideas/ chapters and add relevant supporting details for each section

  • Layout each chapter in their book that is neatly laid out and visually appealing

Narrative Fiction

Unit Sketch

Students will understand that fiction stories follow a general structure and include common story elements. They will identify these in works of fiction and then create their own original pieces.

Enduring Understandings

Students will understand that...

  • Fiction stories follow a general structure and include common story elements.

  • Stories have a plot (problem and solution).

  • Authors of fiction bring characters to life with action and/or dialogue.

  • Writers engage in the writing process (plan, draft, revise and edit).


Students will be able to...

  • Use mentor authors to notice what other writers do that works well

  • Choose an idea and begin to develop characters and a setting

  • Create scenes that show their characters motivations and struggles

  • Create a story mountain to help them plan and organize their thoughts

  • Create a problem with rising actions that spread over several pages

  • Put the character(s) into action

  • Reread their writing several times for several reasons, editing as they go

  • Write by staying in the scene, making sure the action and dialogue are grounded in the setting

  • Write beginnings that hook and grab the readers attention

  • Write powerful endings, making sure they mesh with and serve the purposes of their stories

  • Revise by re-reading with a lens

  • Choose words, structures, and punctuation to help convey the content, mood, tone, and feelings of the piece (i.e. adjectives, dialogue, adverbs, similes etc)

Opinion Writing

Unit Sketch

Students form opinions about topics (games, movies, toys, etc...) and write reviews. Students study mentor texts to see how writers support their opinions with reasons and examples.

Enduring Understandings

Students will understand that...

  • Review writing is a powerful way to get people to appreciate a different point of view, change their way of thinking, and/or to take action.

  • Writers form opinions about topics by thinking about their likes and dislikes.

  • Review writing evaluating relies on the strength of the supporting details.


Students will be able to...

  • Write opinion pieces in which they introduce their topic or book.

  • Supply reasons to support their opinion.

  • Use linking words to connect their opinion to their reason.

  • Provide a concluding statement or section.

  • Provide a summary of their topic (book, movie, toy etc..)

  • Use comparisons

  • Provide pros and cons