KG1 Creative Curriculum


ACS uses Teaching Strategies' Creative Curriculum as a foundation on which to develop a child-centered, inquiry-based early childhood program.

The Creative Curriculum® for Preschool is a comprehensive, research-based curriculum that features exploration and discovery as a way of learning.

The Foundation helps teachers create a high-quality learning environment and build a thorough understanding of best practices. Daily Resources help teachers plan and manage every moment of their day. Through studies, which are hands-on, project-based investigations, The Creative Curriculum® for Preschool helps teachers build children’s confidence, creativity and critical thinking skills, and promote positive outcomes.

The Creative Curriculum units are designed to ensure students are provided with ample opportunities to develop their understanding, knowledge, and skills. Teachers ensure they are meeting individual needs and providing the appropriate developmental challenge for each learner.

The Objectives

The 38 research-based objectives are at the heart of the Creative Curriculum. They define the path teachers take with the children in their classroom.

They inform every aspect of teaching, include predictors of school success, and are aligned with state early learning guidelines and the Head Start Early Learning Outcomes Framework.

The objectives for development and learning span from birth through third grade. They enable teachers to see children’s development and learning along a progression across the whole of the early childhood years.

The objectives cover 10 areas of development and learning, including broad developmental areas, content areas, and English language acquisition. Many objectives also include dimensions that guide teachers’ thinking about various aspects of that objective and help clarify what it addresses.